Miso Hungry!
Originally uploaded by me-spirit.
The Kyo-Kaiseki meal was as beautifully presented as it was delicious. Oiishikatta (it was tasty)! Since it was Hanami or Cherry Blossom season, many of the dishes carried this theme, like the onigiri wrapped in a sakura (cherry blossom) leaf, the Cherry Blossom Tai (snapper) sashimi, or the Cherry Blossom Sorbet. Many of the ingredients in the dishes aren't readily available or standard fare at Japanese restaurants back home. I will probably crave sansho leaves used to garnish and adorn a dish; roasted young bamboo shoots (take-no-ko) and the creamy sesame tofu that was so creamy and nutty, you'd think it was custard. No picture of the creamy tofu, I scarfed it down before I even thought of taking a picture.
Tai is definitely our new sashimi favorite. We were so overwhelmed by the detail to preparation and seasonal ingredients, we forgot that we usually have bad table manners.
Gochisosama deshita! It was a feast!

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